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XCMG articulated boom lifts

Search results: 27 ads

27 ads: XCMG articulated boom lifts

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new XCMG XGA45J articulated boom lift
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new XCMG XGA16 articulated boom lift
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Lifting height 1.405 m
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new XCMG XGA20 articulated boom lift
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Lifting height 18.4 m
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new XCMG XGA20AC articulated boom lift
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Lifting height 18.7 m
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new XCMG XGA26 articulated boom lift
Price on request
Lifting height 24.38 m
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new XCMG XGA16AC articulated boom lift
Price on request
Lifting height 13.8 m
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new XCMG XGA20K articulated boom lift
Price on request
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$61,100 ≈ €58,210 ≈ ZAR 1,123,000
Load cap. 450 kg Lifting height 41.6 m Operating speed 5 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$38,300 ≈ €36,490 ≈ ZAR 703,700
Load cap. 340 kg Lifting height 38.2 m Operating speed 5 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$28,300 ≈ €26,960 ≈ ZAR 520,000
Load cap. 480 kg Lifting height 30.5 m Operating speed 5 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$28,300 ≈ €26,960 ≈ ZAR 520,000
Load cap. 340 kg Lifting height 32.2 m Operating speed 5 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$11,900 ≈ €11,340 ≈ ZAR 218,600
Load cap. 480 kg Lifting height 30.5 m Operating speed 5 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$12,600 ≈ €12,000 ≈ ZAR 231,500
Load cap. 340 kg Lifting height 26.2 m Operating speed 6.1 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$15,400 ≈ €14,670 ≈ ZAR 282,900
Load cap. 340 kg Lifting height 26.2 m Operating speed 6.1 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$10,500 ≈ €10,000 ≈ ZAR 192,900
Load cap. 230 kg Lifting height 18.4 m Operating speed 6 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$9,000 ≈ €8,574 ≈ ZAR 165,400
Load cap. 230 kg Lifting height 18.4 m Operating speed 6 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$8,300 ≈ €7,907 ≈ ZAR 152,500
Load cap. 230 kg Lifting height 18.4 m Operating speed 6 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$6,900 ≈ €6,573 ≈ ZAR 126,800
Load cap. 230 kg Lifting height 14.9 m Operating speed 6.1 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$7,600 ≈ €7,240 ≈ ZAR 139,600
Load cap. 230 kg Lifting height 14.05 m Operating speed 6.1 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$46,600 ≈ €44,390 ≈ ZAR 856,200
Power 55.5 kW (75.51 HP) Fuel diesel Load cap. 230 kg Lifting height 33.9 m Operating speed 5 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$19,600 ≈ €18,670 ≈ ZAR 360,100
Power 38 kW (51.7 HP) Fuel diesel Load cap. 230 kg Lifting height 20.1 m Operating speed 6 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$21,400 ≈ €20,390 ≈ ZAR 393,200
Power 43 kW (58.5 HP) Fuel diesel Load cap. 340 kg Lifting height 23.7 m Operating speed 6 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$24,300 ≈ €23,150 ≈ ZAR 446,500
Power 53 kW (72.11 HP) Fuel diesel Load cap. 340 kg Lifting height 27.9 m Operating speed 6.1 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$25,700 ≈ €24,480 ≈ ZAR 472,200
Power 53 kW (72.11 HP) Fuel diesel Load cap. 340 kg Lifting height 27.9 m Operating speed 6.1 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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$21,400 ≈ €20,390 ≈ ZAR 393,200
Power 43 kW (58.5 HP) Fuel diesel Load cap. 340 kg Lifting height 23.7 m Operating speed 6 km/h
China, Xuzhou
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Search results: 27 ads

Prices for XCMG articulated boom lifts

XCMG GTBZ22S Year: 2016, power: 43 kW (58.5 HP), fuel: diesel, load cap.: 340 kg, lifting height: 23.7 m €20,390
XCMG GTBZ14J Year: 2017, load cap.: 230 kg, lifting height: 14.05 m, operating speed: 6.1 km/h €7,240
XCMG GTBZ14 Year: 2016, load cap.: 230 kg, lifting height: 14.9 m, operating speed: 6.1 km/h €6,573
XCMG GTBZ18 Year: 2016, load cap.: 230 kg, lifting height: 18.4 m, operating speed: 6 km/h €7,907
XCMG GTBZ18A1 Year: 2017, load cap.: 230 kg, lifting height: 18.4 m, operating speed: 6 km/h €8,574
XCMG GTBZ26S Year: 2016, load cap.: 340 kg, lifting height: 26.2 m, operating speed: 6.1 km/h €12,000
XCMG GTBZ30S Year: 2017, load cap.: 480 kg, lifting height: 30.5 m, operating speed: 5 km/h €11,340
XCMG GTBZ38S Year: 2018, load cap.: 340 kg, lifting height: 38.2 m, operating speed: 5 km/h €36,490
XCMG GTBZ42S Year: 2019, load cap.: 450 kg, lifting height: 41.6 m, operating speed: 5 km/h €58,210
XCMG GTBZ18A1 Year: 2018, power: 38 kW (51.7 HP), fuel: diesel, load cap.: 230 kg, lifting height: 20.1 m €18,670